by Adam Wong | Jan 15, 2023 | Hearing Loss
A new study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that older adults with greater severity of hearing loss were more likely to have dementia, but the likelihood of dementia was lower among hearing aid users compared to...
by Adam Wong | Dec 15, 2022 | Associated Disorders
This is the time of year when we tend to make lists. Holiday to-do lists are quickly followed by lists of resolutions with plans for change in the new year. Resolution lists often include things to improve our health and well-being. After reading this article, If you...
by Adam Wong | Nov 16, 2022 | Hearing Loss
“Happy Thanksgiving, Aunt Mary” shouted Mary’s niece Ellen. “It’s been so long since we’ve seen you.” Ellen was right, thought Mary. It had been too long. But, amid the chaos of the greeting, Mary remembered why she avoided time with family during the holidays. It was...
by Adam Wong | Oct 15, 2022 | Hearing Aids
You’ve just returned home from a neighborhood gathering. While you had a good time chatting with friends, there were more than a few times that you struggled to understand what was said. Knowing if it’s time to get new hearing aids is almost as complicated as knowing...
by Adam Wong | Sep 16, 2022 | Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss
People will wait for an average of 10 years from the onset of hearing loss to the day they decide to do something about hearing loss. That is a very long time to allow a health condition to go unaddressed. We encourage every person with hearing loss to address the...